The last two
weeks have been a pretty big deal in our house. We’ve hit just about every
branch on the tree of shock, excitement, and anticipation.
Tom and I both love knowing the
gender of our babies. I completely respect the folks who wait to found out, and
I love that there are people who choose to wait for the surprise at the end. I
think it’s exciting for everyone! That’s just not me- not because I need to
plan or just have to know, but because of the connection it fosters between
myself and my baby. I remember finding out that Abi Kate was a girl…. I think the
love I felt for her multiplied by about 1000 and she immediately found her
place in our home, even though she was only 18 weeks gestation. After we found
out, Tommy and I prayed together and I remember him praying for her by name for
the first time. I remember calling her by name for the first time… it just
brings connection to me in a way that’s hard to explain.
This pregnancy has been very
different for me than my past two pregnancies. I have wanted to connect to this
child, and while I did love them fiercely the moment I read “Pregnant,” it has
still just been different. I haven’t let my mind wander to the future. I’ve
struggled to let myself dream over our baby. Even when I wanted to so deeply,
my heart just wouldn’t allow me to fully let myself go in this child. I’ve had no
fear that I would feel unconnected to our baby once they arrived due to a
fearful pregnancy. I know better than that. I knew the minute that I would touch
them and see them, it would be like they had been ours forever. And even if I
struggled, I knew my body would take over and bond me to them through that
crazy chemical cocktail of hormones that’s released upon delivery. I have been
fearful, however, that I would look back on this pregnancy and regret that I
didn’t feel that intense connection while I carried this baby. Because of that,
Tommy and I opted to go for an early gender scan at 15 weeks…. Because I needed
I didn’t realize it at the time
that I scheduled the appointment, but I actually booked it for Election Day. And
really, that was just divine timing! The days preceding the election and even
the days that followed were just plain discouraging to me on the social media
front. What was disheartening was that a lot of it came from fellow
believers. There just seemed like a general unkindness towards people who
disagreed with each other, definitely not from a ton of people but just some. I
was really bummed out by the regular and out-of-context scripture that I saw
from both sides, (Really friends, if we actually believe that Jesus’ point in
the Parable of the Rich Young Man was that it’s hard for rich people to go to
heaven, then we have not only desperately missed the underlying message of the
Gospel but we have also missed the nature of Christ’s teachings), the claim
from individuals on both sides that they had a better understanding of Christ’s
grace, service, and love because of who they were casting their vote for (I
think the scripture says they will know us by our LOVE, not by our vote….). And
afterwards, the treatment towards those who won or lost…. It just made me sad.
I saw people from both sides mocking other believers for their response; and I
saw people mocking the God that they don’t even serve (I’m sorry, I want to
contain myself but I can’t…. This typically happened from the self-proclaimed
“open-minded”…. And all I could think was, ‘Mmmm, yes…please tell me more about
your tolerance and lack of judgment for those who believe differently than
you.’ Blah.) All of this to say, I was SUPER relieved to be getting some happy
news that had nothing to do with politics or presidents or opinions or controversy or anything
of the like.
We drove out to a boutique in
Clarksville that specializes in early gender detection. Long drive, but a fun
time just talking with Tommy in the car. When we arrived, as I have been every
time, I was really nervous. Tommy already knew I would be and understands me, so he prayed
and we headed inside. One of the most exciting parts of this particular place
is that they will live stream your ultrasound, so I had several friends and
family watching it while we were! It added so much fun to the entire process.
I’d prayed that as soon as the ultrasound came up that I would see this baby’s
heartbeat so I wouldn’t worry. Sure enough, there was the familiar flicker, and
I was extra grateful seeing as this baby was absolutely still. The ultrasound
tech tried for a few minutes to get baby moving to no avail. This kid was sound
asleep, which completely stunned me seeing as I drank a Mountain Dew on the way
so that they’d be active! Seriously, my first caffeine in this pregnancy… the
kid should be extra sensitive, right?! Nope. So, I went and hopped on a
birthing ball for a few minutes to see if I could wake baby up. And sure
enough, baby started moving all over the place. As soon as they started kicking
their little legs I think I gasped, and inside my head I thought, “Oh. My. Gosh.
A penis?!” She spent another moment looking and then I realized she was
checking the cord flow, which really sent me thinking I had indeed seen what I
thought I did. I asked what she was doing, and she confirmed that’s all she was
looking at. She spent another minute trying to get another shot while baby
wiggled all over the place and then she froze the screen and said, “Well, you
guys are definitely having a boy!” I think Tommy and I both screamed and then
just started laughing. I don’t think stunned even begins to cover it! We got to
watch him moving all around, and once he started he really didn’t stop showing
us his hiney. I think we had 8 different shots of his assertion that he is
indeed male. Sure enough, my phone started dinging all at the same time with
She also said he has very long legs
Covering his face
We were so excited and
completely shocked all at the same time. We were both just certain we were
having another girl. And honestly, Tommy usually has some strange ESP about
what sex a baby is going to be-- and not just about my pregnancies! I think we’ve both always
felt like we’d have several girls (there are no boys on Tommy’s side of the
family, I only have a sister.) Not only that, this pregnancy has been identical
to Abi Kate’s in every way with the exception that I’ve been more sick.
(Really, whoever said you’re less sick with boys L.I.E.D. I usually never
subscribe to most of the gender theories, but after being so sick with Abi Kate
and understanding hormonally why girls can make you sicker-- that one just
makes actual sense to me now). I’ve carried the exact same, felt him early just
like I did with Abi Kate, the only regular ‘craving’ (and I use that term
loosely) that I’ve had with both was Orange Juice, and even their heart rates
have been identical at each check.
It took me about 24 hours to get
my head around the fact that we are having a boy. We were thrilled but just
plain surprised! I have a feeling he may be a lot like Tommy. He’s very still
in comparison to Abi Kate. So much so, that I find myself freaking out when he
doesn’t move as often as I like. Even when he is active, his movements are
gentle and soft. In the ultrasound, he was laying on my placenta like it was a
mattress with his legs stretched out before him crossed at the ankles
(seriously this is exactly how Tommy sits on the couch). Abi Kate’s personality
is very much like it was in the womb-- busy and intense. So, I’m interested to
see if he will mimic his current disposition as well.
Most of our "It's a Boy" pictures looked like this--Abi Kate running away
Bye Abi
We haven’t settled on a middle
name yet, but we both knew immediately his name would be Abram. It is not a
name that we had considered in the past. Not the name we just knew we’d use if
we ever had a boy. Wasn’t even a name we knew the meaning of until after it had
been on my heart. Instead, it is the name that came to me often during my first
trimester…. It means “The Father of Many Nations.” For me, that meaning
indicated a future-- and on days when I worried, the Lord placed his name on my
heart and it would bring peace. (We did also have a girl name-- same story--
not one we’d planned on but purposeful meaning that comforted me… and even
though we won’t be having a baby girl right now, I think we’ll probably save it
for a future baby girl because we both fell in love with it the way we did with
My world is girly and feminine,
so I have lots of learn and adapt for this new little guy. I’m glad to have a
husband who is a perfect example of what I hope Abram will personify. I think
my biggest concern at this point is just his relationship with Abi Kate. In all
truthfulness, I felt like maybe I’d let her and him down because neither
one would be having an immediate sibling that’s the same sex. Not that brothers
and sisters can’t be friends or love each other-- I know plenty of little kids
who adore their opposite sex sibling. I just want them to continue that in
their future. My sister is one of my best friends-- by choice. We’re light
years different, but I talk with her multiple times a day, choose to do things
and hang out with her because I just plain like her. She’s my friend. I know
plenty of sisters who are this way and plenty of brothers who are this way. But
I think I only know one or two people who have remained very close to a sibling
of the opposite sex…I know plenty of people that love their siblings of the
opposite sex and like them a lot; but I really mean that they’d choose to hang out,
choose to invest in their friendship regularly, want to spend time together, be
involved in the daily ongoings of each other’s lives. I just want that so much
for Abi Kate and Abram. There is something so special about holding a deep
friendship with a person that you have a personal history with, someone who
shares your genetic make up. I hope that Tom and I will be able to foster that in our
home and that their hearts will always keep them molded close together, even as
years pass and they become teenagers and then adults.
Much like I’d hoped, knowing
that I’m carrying a boy, calling him by name… it has been freeing for me and
brought with it the deep connection I was waiting for. I’m so glad we opted not to
wait until 20 weeks. I love hearing him prayed for by name. I love talking to
him by name. I love that I know it is Abram who is moving inside me.
And no, we don’t feel like
because we’re having a boy our family is complete. The completion of our family
has nothing to do with genitalia. Sorry. ;) We’re just incredibly grateful for
his life. Period. We’re eager to welcome him into our arms and into our home,
and we’re eager to fall in love with this sweet baby boy just like we did with
his sister. He is the gift that keeps bringing healing to our hearts.